Novasian Chorus is a registered federal nonprofit organization with over 100 members. The organization was founded in September 2016 in Chantilly, Virginia. It is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The mission of Novasian Chorus is to provide opportunities for music lovers studying vocal knowledge and to serve the community by promoting choral group singing and participating in local cultural activities.
Novasian Chorus is led by the board members. The Board consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and representative of section leaders. Board members follow Novasian Chorus bylaws and hold regular meetings and annual meetings.
Novasian members meet every Tuesday evening from 7:30-9:30pm at a Fairfax county public school-Rocky Run Middle School. Activities include vocal singing practice, music educations and rehearsals for upcoming performances. Currently the class is taught by the art director – Tim Chang.
Tim Chang is an accomplished tenor and music educator. He received his music bachelor degree from Sheng-de Christian College in Taiwan and obtained a master’s degree in vocal music and computer education from Shenandoah University at Winchester, Virginia. He is now a permanent member of ACDA and NAfME . Tim Chang currently services Loudoun County public school as a music teacher.
Over the years, Novasian Chorus has been successfully serving the community since it was established by holding annual concerts; participating numerous music events such as local and international culture festivals; delivering music education to community members; visiting and performing at local senior centers; organizing workshops and seminars; promoting and enriching community’s culture activities.
Novasian Chorus’s goal and vision is clear, that is to continue its successful path, to involve more community activities, to help more people learning music, to deliver more quality choral performances and to better serve communities.
北维之声合唱团(Novasian Chorus)属于联邦非营利组织,是活跃在大华府地区的优秀合唱团体。合唱团的宗旨:推广音乐,丰富生活,以歌会友,团队精神。艺术指导及指挥张晨临先生,曾就职华盛顿国家歌剧院合唱团,现任职Loudoun County公立学校合唱指挥,具有丰富的声乐培训及专业指挥经验。合唱团注重合唱曲目的多元化,雅俗共赏的同时,通过多声部的巧妙配合及和声交织,把最真挚的情感传递给观众。成立六年来,合唱团举办过四届专场音乐会,多次参加合唱演出,并在首届华盛顿国际合唱节上赢得最佳和声奖。合唱团每周二晚在维州 Rocky Run Middle School 排练,欢迎华府喜爱合唱的朋友们加入。